World leaders in pollination control
World leaders in pollination control

Citadel Tents

Why our tents are best

  • Main features
  • Halts unwanted pollen down to 15 microns
  • Demonstrated yield improvements
  • Robust frame
  • Tested in up to 100kph winds
  • String Anchoring System
  • Expands for larger structures
  • Interchangeable panels

PBS International’s new Citadel pollination tent range is designed for single or multiple plot isolation and allows the ultimate flexibility for indoor or outdoor polycrosses, multiplying up, hybrid seed and to keep unwanted insects out or your pollinators in. 

Utilising our tried and tested duraweb® family of materials, Citadel pollination tents halt unwanted pollen, reduce contamination and ensure greater genetic integrity.  They are built to last, with Midi and Maxi tents having a robust aluminium frame and an interchangeable pollination panel cover system, with 3 different types of material available:

• duraweb® Fortis – our strongest material for wind pollinated crops, designed to withstand extreme wind and rain
• duraweb® Zephyr – a more breathable material, suitable for both indoors and outdoors
• duraweb® Ventis – a robust mesh panel system, suitable for insect pollinated crops.

Citadel pollination tents have been developed over several years and trialled in extreme conditions across 3 continents.  They are backed by peer reviewed scientific research, which shows that there are two research publications on their efficacy in the field which highlight the following benefits:

• The microclimate inside Citadel pollination tents contributes to high yield and disease-free seeds*
• The Citadel Midi tent showed a 36% increase in seed yield*
• There was no evidence of pollen contamination in any of the tent fabrics tested*

* Sources: Trammell M, Pittman D, Virk DS, Senior H. (2020). Assessing the effectiveness of nonwoven fabric pollination tents for improved grass breeding. J. Plant Breed. Crop Sci. 12(3):200-218 &
Townson P, Virk DS, Senior H (2020). Evaluating the pollen proofing of nonwoven synthetic fabric pollination control tents for sugar beet. J. Plant Breed. Crop Sci. 12(2):228-236.


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